Wavekit MK1
In our modern, electronics-dependent lifes, electromagnetic fields (EMF) surround us almost everywhere we go, pretty much all the time. EMF are radiated by all of our electronic devices and could be imagined as 3D structures, differing in shape, size, and density. People are taking widely different stances on EMF. Some go to extreme lengths to protect themselves from this „electrical pollution“, while others do not consider the subject at all.
These structures and shapes encircle us, yet the human body was not equipped with a sensory organ to detect them; therefore humans are not able to perceive these immaterial and invisible entities. With WAVEKIT, EMF can be interactively experienced by extending the human sensory equipment with additional EMF sensors which translate data from electromagnetic fields into perceivable sensations, e.g. vision, hearing, and touching.
Encounter your familiar surroundings in an entirely new way by exploring the electromagnetic activity present in locations you thought you knew. Discover the shapes, presence, strength, and intensity of what was invisible to the human body before. Be prepared for an intense, mesmerizing, and haunting EMF experience.
The makers of WAVEKIT hope to be able to extend the peoples perception of their environment and help them feel how electronic appliances influence their physical sphere, but also, to offer a possibility to feel the character of machines, gadgets and computers. How does the presence of your electric toothbrush sound? What about feeling your computers processing power through your skin? Or, how can the functioning of a hair dryer look like?