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Evaluation of Feedback-Systems in automated Gait Training

The EFS Evaluation of Feedback-Systems in automated Gait Training Project is based on the previous KTI project A-Int (Activity boosting Interaction in Neurologic Gait Training). In the latter, we developed various interaction concepts that have the potential to significantly improve the effectiveness of gait rehabilitation. However, the patient's responsiveness to a certain interactive feedback depends on the individual and the state of recovery. Thus, the goal of the EFS project is to develop evaluation systems for measuring the effect of developed sonic interaction techniques on the progress of walking rehabilitation, and thus improve those or develop new ones.

The project merges the following research areas:

  • sonic interaction design for guiding movement
  • evaluation of sonic feedback and motivational strategies
  • motivational strategies for walking rehabilitation in stroke patients

Project lead: Prof. Dr. Karmen Franinovic

Researchers: Andrês Villa Torres, Moritz Kemper and Simon Pfaff

Forschung 2014

Kooperationspartner: Ability, NTB (Interstaatliche Hochschule für Technik Buchs), ZHAW-G
Funding: The Commission for Technology and Innovation (KTI), Switzerland

Evaluation of Feedback-Systems in automated Gait Training