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Re-Imagine Parking Spaces

In our project «WerkStadt» we examined the problem of parking spaces in Zurich neighbourhoods. Parking cars makes it possible to privatise public space. However, we believe that everyone should have a right to this space. Together with residents, we have worked out various possibilities for the reuse of neighbourhood streets and summarised our most important findings in a guide. The result is a bicycle trailer that serves as an antipole and makes it possible to use this space for other purposes as well. What do you want to do on the street?

Nemo Brigatti & Sandro Beti
Bachelor-Thesis 2023

Roman Kirschner & Mona Neubauer

Die Werkstadt in aktion
Die Werkstadt in aktion
Ein Kaffee für deine Idee
Ein Kaffee für deine Idee
Schliifts? — wir flicken dein Velo mit dir
Schliifts? — wir flicken dein Velo mit dir
Das Werkstadt-Popup
Das Werkstadt-Popup