Designing Undefined Perspectives!
25 – 26 February 2023, Toni-Areal, Zurich, Switzerland
Interaction design is in rapid transition, likely due to its youth as a discipline—only around thirty years old—and the constant evolution of materials, technology, and challenges. Traditionally focused on interfaces between people and machines, the field is now shifting toward hybrid physical-digital materials, complex ecologies, and autonomous systems that change over time. How will these shifts impact our discipline and its educational potential?
As part of Interaction Design Week 2023, we invited educators, learners, practitioners, and businesses to the Education Summit for inspiring talks, hands-on workshops, and panel discussions on the future of interaction design. The Education Summit provided a unique platform to share ideas, methods, and insights, connect with others, and experience Zurich University of the Arts, one of Europe's leading art academies.
Chair: Prof. Jürgen Späth
Summit Planning: Isabela Gygax, Nadine Cocina
Exhibition Planning: Marcial Koch
Communication: Duy Bui, Daniela Spühler
Photography: Duy Bui

Interaction 23 Design Education Summit: Designing Undefined Perspectives

IxD23 Education Summit – Welcome

Designing for More than Human-Centred Worlds

The end of unconscious touch

Pathways for integrating AI education in the design curriculum

The Relationship Age: Designing human-machine relationships

Interaction Design as an Interdisciplinary Research Mindset

Training Multidisciplinary Students in Interaction Design

Robotic Things: Prototyping Otherness

Strategically exploring, designing and negotiating future scenarios with »Design Futuring«

Teaching how to talk to robots

Fantastic Smartphones – Problematic devices as a subject for experimentation and reflection

HYBRIDLAB. Creating shared designs in the Metaverse.

Metabolic Perspectives in Design

Speculation and Fiction as Modes of Understanding

Designing Design Education

Closing Remarks