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(Re-)Imagining Sex Work through Digital Storytelling

The Internet has opened the door into our most private spaces and virtuality has infiltrated our bodies, merging reality and fiction. The first cam-girls of the 90s were important early examples of how the internet could create a cyborg subject by integrating human images with the internet, setting the conversation regarding the relationship of technology and gender, sex and the performative body. By merging art, technology and participatory design, the «Syntia_cam» is a commentary on sex workers’ evolving relationship with digital media and its impact on their daily lives. The project aim to create a new visual experience that challenges traditional notions of representation and perception, blurring the boundaries between reality and virtuality.

Ludovica Galleani d’Agliano
Master-Thesis 2023

Joëlle Bitton & Stella Speziali

Collaboration partners:
@fucktransia / @smellybirds / @andrea
Immersive Art Space (IAS)

@fucktransia performing with her avatar,IAS(2023) Ph.L.Galleani d’Agliano
@fucktransia performing with her avatar,IAS(2023) Ph.L.Galleani d’Agliano
@fucktransia performing live on tiktok with her avatar,IAS(2023) Ph.L.Galleani d’Agliano
@fucktransia performing live on tiktok with her avatar,IAS(2023) Ph.L.Galleani d’Agliano
@fucktransia performing live on Tiktok with her avatar,IAS(2023) Ph.L.Galleani d’Agliano
@fucktransia performing live on Tiktok with her avatar,IAS(2023) Ph.L.Galleani d’Agliano
Still final artwork, @andrea in the Candy Dungeon, Unreal Engine.(2023) Credits: @andrea, Galleani d’Agliano L., Nguyen H-D.
Still final artwork, @andrea in the Candy Dungeon, Unreal Engine.(2023) Credits: @andrea, Galleani d’Agliano L., Nguyen H-D.
Still final artwork, @fucktransia in the pink beach, Unreal Engine.(2023) Credits:@fucktransia Galleani d’Agliano L., Nguyen H-D.,Schönbeck J
Still final artwork, @fucktransia in the pink beach, Unreal Engine.(2023) Credits:@fucktransia Galleani d’Agliano L., Nguyen H-D.,Schönbeck J
Still final artwork, @smellybirds in the space of decompression, Unreal Engine.(2023) Credits: @smellybirds, Galleani d’Agliano L., Nguyen H-D.
Still final artwork, @smellybirds in the space of decompression, Unreal Engine.(2023) Credits: @smellybirds, Galleani d’Agliano L., Nguyen H-D.