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Sniffari Expanded

An Investigation into Smellscapes

«Sniffari Expanded» investigates the importance of creating more-than-human design by drawing inspiration from dogs and their olfactory perception. Through observing canines in their natural environment and various media experiments, this work highlights the need for an empathetic approach to make other species’ perception of the world more tangible. Rooted in research findings and a desire to deepen our interspecies connectedness an electronic nose was developed with the help of Sensor Technology and Artificial Intelligence. Through this gadget visitors can navigate the interactive installation which allows them to create their own stories of how reality might seem for dogs.

Tim Fuchs
Bachelor-Thesis 2023

Joëlle Bitton, Verena Ziegler

Sniffari Expanded
How do humans shape the perception of the world for dogs?
How do humans shape the perception of the world for dogs?
Vulpes uses his sense of smell and his aromas to exchange information.
Vulpes uses his sense of smell and his aromas to exchange information.
Take a glimpse at the “Sniffari Expanded” experience.
Take a glimpse at the “Sniffari Expanded” experience.
How is the world perceived when smelling is the primary sense?
How is the world perceived when smelling is the primary sense?