Through Momentum
Interaction Design at the Volvo Art Session 2017
It will shine brightly in the Schiffbau foyer! 48 intelligent, networked light objects hang from the ceiling, inviting the audience to interact using various methods. The interactive, kinetic light installation "Through Momentum" reflects on aspects of digitisation and brings them playfully closer to visitors.
More information about the project
Artistic direction: Joël Gähwiler (IAD), Moritz Kemper (IAD)
Technical implementation, construction and operation: Jonas Scheiwiller (Lucid), Marco Ehrenmann (Lucid)
With the participation of students Alexander Blaschek, Noemi Chow, Alessa Gassmann, Simona Oswald und Ilaria Stendahl
VOLVO ART SESSION 2017 – «Human meets Digital», Do 12. bis Sa 14.10.2017, Schiffbau, Schiffbaustrasse 4, 8005 Zürich
Interviews on the Volvo Art Session-Blog
Karmen Franinović (Head of IAD): Die interessantesten Dinge passieren in der Forschung
Joëlle Bitton (Head of BA IAD): Es scheint, als wäre der Computer zu einer Art bester Freund des Menschen geworden.