Lecture || Jo Kazuhiro: A Building of Structures that Produce Sound After Post-digital Tendencies || 16.03.18
In this talk, Jo Kazuhiro will show his on-going research of a building of structures that produce sound after post-digital tendencies. The practice aims to construct structures that produce sound without any digital technology at the final stage of sound synthesis. He intends to achieve the goal by using three physical means, mechanical with needle vibration, electromagnetic with gear rotation, and biological with muscle contraction. It is not the sound synthesis based on the conventional digital signal processing, but the structure itself physically generates the sounds. Jo Kazuhiro tries to realize the potential of the structures by archaeological media investigations under the current social and technological environment of personal fabrication. Through the practice, Jo Kazuhiro would like to reconsider the fundamental meaning of what it means to make a sound after the post-digital age we are in today where “music” does not necessarily equate with “sound.”
Jo Kazuhiro is a practitioner with a background in acoustics and interaction design. He has been presenting his practices in a form of works of art as at museums and festivals, as well as papers at international journals and conferences with his projects such as "The SINE WAVE ORCHESTRA" as a practice of the music one participates in, "Generative Music Workshop", a retrospective research that reproduces past masterpieces of generative music, and “phono/graph” to explore the field of sound, letters, and graphics with artistic practices. After working at IBM Japan, Newcastle University, Tokyo University of the Arts, and IAMAS, he took up his position as an associate professor in Department of Acoustic Design at Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan as well as an advisor at Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media [YCAM].
Fri 16.03.2018, 11:00—12:00
Zurich University of the Arts
Toni Areal, Room, 5.T07, Pfingstweidstrasse 96, Zürich