MA Interaction Design – Work in Progress Exhibition 2020
MA Interaction Design
Work In Progress Exhibition
11.–16. December 2020
Zurich University of the Arts, Toni Areal, Room 3.K13
What makes an environment real?
How can we probe our surroundings and see what is invisible to the naked eye? How can we act and change them from within? This work in progress exhibition explores these questions as they surface in the work of eight students of the MA Interaction Design of the Zurich University of the Arts.
The exhibition installation morphs into a virtual space with an homage to the Vaporwave aesthetic. Ironic, hyperbolic, surreal and nostalgic, the space becomes a dreamscape of neon colors surrounding the visitor, transporting them into another reality. Synthetic colours, deep fakes, cyberdelic mandalas, soundscapes, suggestive shapes and texture; this exhibition makes you question what it means to interact with the world and the role of technology in altering and embracing it.
Viviana Castellanos, Nadine Cocina, Dzhuliia Kolodko, Silvia Monti, Jooin Shin, Eli Woke, Paulina Zybinska and Marten Limbach present a snapshot of their MA thesis investigations, crystallized in this moment in time and in a specifically conceived installation.