Intersections Conference. Verena Ziegler on «InBetween: material encounters in human/non-human interactions»
On Sept. 13st 2017, Textile Design Research Group at Loughborough University organised INTERSECTIONS, a one-day-conference with exhibition. IAD team member Verena Ziegler presented her collaborative interdisciplinary PhD research project «InBetween: material encounters in human/non-human interactions» which is situated at the intersection of architecture, textile design, and interaction design and speculates on sustainable forms of future life in critical future scenarios and experimental prototypes.
Read her full conference paper (double blind peer reviewed) online: «InBetween: material encounters in human/non-human interactions», first Author V. Ziegler, second Author Prof. O. Fritz
In the exhibition part Verena showed prototypes and artefacts from her PhD work in progress as (InBetween - Verena Ziegler). Read her contribution for the exhibition catalogue online: «InBetween - Wunderkammer Lab» (work in progress, PhD research).