Dr. Adam Zaretsky | Human Applications: Aesthetics and Loss – Beyond Enlargement
08. Dezember 2021
17.00 – 18.00 Uhr
Inszenatorikraum 3.C06 | Zoom
Adam Zaretsky is an American Wet-Lab Art Practitioner mixing Ecology, Biotechnology, Non-human Relations, Body Performance and Gastronomy. A speculative talk based on his own artistic practice and the ethical and philosophical questions he raises regarding contemporary biotechnological research.
Promoting human use of biotechnology to redesign ourselves is not the worst idea. Unfortunately, most human genetic modification advocates forget to think creatively about the full range of forms and cognitive beings we could force evolve our species into. Naïve optimism is often based on futurist potentials that emphasize: longer life span, stronger health/constitution, more beauty and bigger brains. Where can fringe anatomical and metabolic goals take us, beyond enhancement, general enlargement and ‘goody two shoes’ betterment? What resulting forms of genome bending would exemplify the politics and aesthetics of Solar Humanity?
Der Vortrag findet sowohl vor Ort (Covid Zertifikats- und Maskenpflicht) als auch online über Zoom statt.
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