
Luke Franzke
PhD Kandidat
Oral Digital
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Karmen Franinović, ZHdK & Prof. Dr. Martin Kaltenbrunner, University of Art and Design Linz.
Luke Franzke is a research associate at Interaction Design at the ZHdK, where he heads the Physical Computing Lab. His teaching spans technical subjects such as physical computing and programming to conceptual approaches in material practices and embodiment in design. His research investigates the role of emerging material technology in Interaction Design, Human-Computer Interaction and wearable technologies. Luke completed a BA in Multimedia in 2006 and MA in Interaction Design in 2013 and is currently pursuing his PhD.
We experience digital systems predominantly through modalities that exploit our innate strengths in hand-dexterity and vision. Yet, we are also immensely gifted with sensory-motor ability in the tongue and mouth, allowing us the ability to eat, breathe, synthesise language and sense complex textures, tastes and flavours. These modalities have been completely neglected in the design of human-computer interfaces.
This PhD thesis begins with basic research in currently unknown neurophysiological measures related to tactile acuity in the mouth, variations in dexterity and the diverse impacts of sensory integration. The empirical evidence gathered supports the development of an expanded framework for multisensory design and specific guidelines for the design of Intraoral Computer Interfaces. This framework lays the ground for prototypes allowing for radical sensory experiences, cognitive and physical augmentation and novel modes of interaction.
Selected Publications & Awards
K. Franinović and L. Franzke. 2019. Shape Changing Surfaces and Structures: Design Tools and Methods for Electroactive Polymers. In Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '19). (Honorable Mention Award)
K. Franinović, L. Franzke, F. Wille, and A, Villa Torres. 2019. Interacting with Electroactive Polymers in Responsive Environments. In Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI '19).
L. Franzke, D. Rossi, K. Franinović “Fluid Morphologies: Hydroactive Polymers for Responsive Architecture ” in the proceedings of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture 2016.
K. Franinović, L. Franzke “Luminous Matter: Electroluminescent Paper as an Active Material” in DeSForM - Design & Semantics of Form & Movement, 2015.
K. Franinović, L. Franzke and C. Winkler, “Enactive Environments: Thinking and Creating with Active Materials “ in Contemporary Design Education & Research, Ed. Li Degeng and Luo Yi, Guangxi Normal University Press, 2014.