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Unlearning Forests

Echoes of the Invisible – Soundscapes of the forests in the Safiental

«Unlearning Forests» aims to reflect on the existing relationship between humans and forest ecosystems and to advocate a re-evaluation of our approach to the natural landscape. A key component of the field research is the use of outdoor acoustic sensors to record and analyze microclimatic conditions and biodiversity in differently managed forests in the remote Safiental in Graubünden. First results will be presented in the form of an interactive audio-sound walk in the forests of the Safiental, where participants are invited to engage with various acoustic interfaces. The goal is to create an immersive experience through acoustic, physical, and sensory interactions fostering a deeper dialogue between human and non-human species. This initiative encourages a more mindful and reflective engagement with the forest environment.

Acoustic Sensor installation on a tree (ACLA Soundscape Research Project), Safiental Graubünden, Dec 2023, Photo taken by Jolanda Jerg
Acoustic Sensor installation on a tree (ACLA Soundscape Research Project), Safiental Graubünden, Dec 2023, Photo taken by Jolanda Jerg
Location of investigation – Safiental, Graubünden, Oct 2023, Photo taken by Jolanda Jerg
Location of investigation – Safiental, Graubünden, Oct 2023, Photo taken by Jolanda Jerg
Observing differently managed forests in the Safiental through Acoustic Ecology, Oct 2023, Photo taken by Jolanda Jerg
Observing differently managed forests in the Safiental through Acoustic Ecology, Oct 2023, Photo taken by Jolanda Jerg
Soundwalking through the natural forest reserve in Safiental, May 2024, Photo taken by Niklas Kammel
Soundwalking through the natural forest reserve in Safiental, May 2024, Photo taken by Niklas Kammel
Participants soundwalking through the woods in Safiental, May 2024, Photo taken by Niklas Kammel
Participants soundwalking through the woods in Safiental, May 2024, Photo taken by Niklas Kammel
Jolanda Jerg giving instructions to the participants of the sound walk, Safiental, May 2024, Photo taken by Niklas Kammel
Jolanda Jerg giving instructions to the participants of the sound walk, Safiental, May 2024, Photo taken by Niklas Kammel
Participant immersing herself in a tree while listening to the voices of the forest, Safiental, May 2024, Photo taken by Niklas Kammel
Participant immersing herself in a tree while listening to the voices of the forest, Safiental, May 2024, Photo taken by Niklas Kammel
Instructions on the technical equipment, Safiental, May 2024, Photo taken by Niklas Kammel
Instructions on the technical equipment, Safiental, May 2024, Photo taken by Niklas Kammel
Entering into conversation with a tree, Safiental, May 2024, Photo taken by Niklas Kammel
Entering into conversation with a tree, Safiental, May 2024, Photo taken by Niklas Kammel
Guided Forest Meditation, Safiental, May 2024, Photo taken by Niklas Kammel
Guided Forest Meditation, Safiental, May 2024, Photo taken by Niklas Kammel
Breath Work Exercise in the forests of Safiental, May 2024, Photo taken by Niklas Kammel
Breath Work Exercise in the forests of Safiental, May 2024, Photo taken by Niklas Kammel
Ecosomatic Movement Practices in the forests of Safiental, May 2024, Photo taken by Niklas Kammel
Ecosomatic Movement Practices in the forests of Safiental, May 2024, Photo taken by Niklas Kammel