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Circle of Ink

Immersive Tattoo Experiences with Personal Stories

«Circle of Ink» is an immersive projection mapping installation that emphasises both the cultural origins of this art form and the importance of self-expression at a time when tattoos are becoming increasingly popular. This exhibition combines information and personal narratives to present the many facets of tattoo art in an immersive way.

The central element of the installation is a round table that symbolises the infinite nature of this art form, blurring the beginning and end and depicting the fluid transition between the past, the present, and the future. Visitors can place their arm at five stations to experience the projections and information on individual tattoo sections.

One of the fundamental characteristics of tattoos is their permanence. However, this installation offers the opportunity to temporarily experience tattoos on your skin. "Circle of Ink" thus represents a new method of engaging with the versatility of tattoo culture on a personal level.

Tattoo projected on an arm
Tattoo projected on an arm
User listening to narration on tattoo cultures
User listening to narration on tattoo cultures
Tattoo projected at a station
Tattoo projected at a station
Tattoo projections
Tattoo projections
Modified tattoo armrest
Modified tattoo armrest